Monday, October 27, 2008

Kids and Politics

So, do any other kids sit around and talk politics, or is it just mine? And what's so funny about this whole phenomenon in my house is hubby and I really don't enjoy politics. Therefore we don't talk politics very much at all. What also is so interesting about my kids is they are on seperate sides of the fence. I have my "lower taxes" daughter (and yes- she totally gets what taxes are and will tell you why they should be lowered)and my humanitarian son who will talk your ear off about why we should not be at war with Iraq or wanting to know what the president plans to do about homelessness. I work very hard to help my kids see both sides of the coin. If they ask a question I do my best to be unbiased (which honestly isn't hard b/c I think both sides of the political spectrum are bozo's- actually all the parties involved...I've been researching options to the two main contenders in this election and they're all bozo's! No one out there represents my vote...but that's a whole 'nother post!) and explain to the best of my ability how the different parties have differing ideas of how to combat problems for the country and it's people. I want my kids to draw their own conclusions and think for themselves, not just repeat what they hear mom or dad saying about who should be president without really understanding why. So I wonder how and why my kids seem to be so interested in politics. I understand there is a lot of talk being an election year, and a big election at that, but it just seems unusual for kids to be that concerned and opinionated. Maybe not. Maybe kids all over the country are having these same discussions. I actually think that would be pretty cool. Maybe they will start a new party in the coming years...and alternative to the same ole same ole in DC that actually accomplishes very little. Wouldn't that be great! I can dream. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mine have always been this way, and not because of anything doug or i have ever said!