Monday, June 9, 2008

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

OK, anyone who knows me knows my slight compulsion with lists. I have lists for everything. Lists of things to do in the morning, lists of things to do in the evening, lists of people I need to call or email, lists of places I need to go in a given week, lists of things I need from various stores, lists of lists I need to make. :-) It really is a borderline illness. But never-the-less, I am a list person and it helps me feel sane in my hectic world. So today, a very proud moment occurred. My six year old daughter made her first to do list...all on her own. I just happened to stumble upon it. Oh, the pride! It's in the DNA. I loved that she seemed to get the same great pleasure by marking off the things she had completed as well. Indeed, my extremely laid back, often scatterbrained child does have a touch of OCD in her. :-) She is a little like her mom after all. So anyway, like any completely crazed mother, I took a picture of the momentous occasion. I should mark down the date in her baby book- hahahahahaha.

I don't know if you can read the list, but the first thing she has listed is "check on Mommy" LOL! I think the reason for this is b/c today was the first day we watched my niece and boy did Mommy get tired. It's pretty funny how easily you forget how much work 9 week old babies are!!!! But I have two fantastic helpers. One is already an expert bottle maker and the other likes to entertain her by dancing around, singing silly songs and making funny faces. Speaking of my beautiful niece, here she is! And if you're wondering...yes that IS red hair you see. :-) (you have no idea how much that makes me beam with delight).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a cute baby!!! LOL